Improving Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings
Guidance for Specifiers and Installers. Prepared by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Read moreFinnish Construction Managers and Engineers (RKL)
Finnish Construction Managers and Engineers (RKL) is a professional association established in 1905, bringing together educated experts in construction. The association serves its members – 69 local associations and their 5400 members and over 2000 student members all around Finland. Its main purpose is to bring added value through professional training, advocacy, sharing knowledge and networking.
Ordinary members need to have a diploma from a university of applied sciences or previous polytechnic institute, related to construction/engineering. Members represent a wide range of building professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants, supervisors, managers and planners.
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Spanish General Council of Technical Architecture (CGATE).
CGATE’s main objectives are to represent and defend the interests of the Technical Architect profession at a national and international level; to represent and coordinate the professional organisation as a whole; to inform about state laws affecting the professional duties and degree curricula; to inform about the recognition of diplomas issued in other states; and to promote, at all levels, the greater prestige of the profession.
(Technical Architect), which is a “regulated profession” that legally qualifies a person to carry out regulated professional activities within the meaning of article 1 and 3.1.a) of the Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualification. Nowadays there are more than 50,000 members of us in Spain.
Main areas of professional development:
1. Management of the Execution of the Building (Site Management).
2. Management and Control of the quality of the building.
3. Construction materials and their recycling.
4. Building systems, technology and architectural graphic expression.
5. Structural systems and facilities in buildings.
6. Production management systems on site, businesses and rules and regulations.
7. Management of the building process (timing, economics, measurements and valuations).
8. Projects. Health and Safety and Prevention.
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64th AEEBC General Assembly
Registration is now open for our 64th AEEBC General Assembly in Barcelona, Spain. We hope to see you there. Watch this space for more detail about the schedule.
Register NOW
63rd AEEBC General Assembly
Registration is now open for our 63rd AEEBC General Assembly in Dublin, Ireland. We hope to see you there. Watch this space for more detail about the schedule.
Register NOW
The Building Control Act 1990 (as amended) governs our building
control system. The Building Regulations outline the technical
requirements in the design and construction of building works.
This is an Information Paper (IP). IPs are intended to provide information and explanation to SCSI members on specific topics of
relevance to the profession.
Read the document
This Real Cost of Renovation Report provides data-driven, evidence-based cost information and practical insights on the renovation of a selection of 20 vacant and derelict properties across the country to assist Government, State agencies, and potential homeowners and investors to understand both the key challenges and opportunities in utilising existing properties for residential use.
Read the report
3M Site
The EU construction market is diverse and includes a significant number of migrants. However, these migrants may face challenges in integrating into the new environment and may have difficulty understanding and working with locally based management and workers who have different cultures, religions, or ethnicities. In addition, the construction industry has a history of poor health and safety practices and is a significant contributor to environmental pollution.
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Year-End Report 2022
As this year comes to a close and we head into 2023, I wanted to write and update you on the year's
activities for the AEEBC. The concept that compels us as the AEEBC remains steadfast and very much
intact. 2022 has seen the return of post-covid times and the ability to meet in person for those that chose.
Colleagues and Friends, please read our end of year report.
Year End Report
Inspired by the Danish Refurbishment Award
It is not only in Denmark that renovation plays a growing role in construction, but if we are to become even better in understanding and using the discipline, it’s important that the construction industry inspires each other across countries and shows the good examples that can help drive the green transition. Therefore, the Refurbishment Award was highlighted when the European Association of Building Professionals AEEBC met in Copenhagen.
Full document
Renovation Wave and NextGenerationUE
The renovation of the building stock is today a driver of economic activity and job creation
throughout Europe. Most of European universities have incorporated rehabilitation into their
core subjects, few have integrated it as a basic pillar and the building sector is lacking a
reasonable number of experts in this field. The NextGenerationUE funds are now showing the
difficulties of not having enough “Building Rehabilitation Experts “ in Europe.
The Conference “Rehabilitation in Europe”, with the presence of leading European
experts, is a unique opportunity to learn about the possibilities that rehabilitation offers to
universities, professionals and generically to the sector to open new fields of work and for
Event Timetable
A final CLOEMC V (pre-print) meeting was held in Dublin in July
The event was hosted by the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and chaired by Pawel Novak, University of Warsaw. The SCSI are one of the primary members of the AEEBC whom are one of the partners for the project. Present at the meeting were Paweł Nowak, and Jerzy Rosłon both representing the Warsaw University of Technology, primary stakeholder in the project.
Other parties involved are, Technische Universität Darmstadt, DE, Polish Association of Building Managers, PL, Universitat Politècnica de València, ES, Association of Building Surveyors and Construction Experts (AEEBC), Korporacja RADEX S.A., PL. Representing the SCSI was Shirley Coulter, CEO, Edward McCauley, Director of Practice & Policy, and Rob Patterson, SCSI and President of the AEEBC.
Also, in attendance in Merrion Square and online were member stakeholders and members of the AEEBC. Martin Russell-Croucher attended as AEEBC Rep. The morning session started with a brief introduction of participants and a general update on the project as a whole. Further discussion followed on the date of publication and final production of CLOEMC V manuals.
The main aim of the CLOEMC V Project is to extend – with cross country co-operation, the Construction Managers Library by seven new manuals. The manuals, published in four languages (English, German, Polish and Spanish), will allow their implementation and use in different countries and in EU VET education systems.
Full manual list
Is it time to swap sentimentality for sustainability in the refurb sector?
Every generation tries to improve on what went before, often by denigrating the
past as old fashioned and out-dated. In the construction sector, that axiom has led
to some tragic destruction of our architectural heritage.
Crafted features, such as
joinery, fireplaces, architraves and tiling, have been covered over or ripped out, to
be replaced with alternatives that have not stood the test of time well in terms of
either quality or aesthetics.
Read the full document
Register Now
We are please to announce our next Generaly Assembly, 27th & 28th October 2022 in Madrid, Spain.
More Information
Sustainable Development In The Surveying Profession
In 2021, the SCSI commissioned an independent research report from
Dr Róisín Murphy to explore how well sustainability is embedded at all
levels in the property, land and construction disciplines, ranging from
third-level course content to professional practice and supports to
members and firms from the SCSI.
Click to read the full report
Year-End Report 2021
As we finish this year and head into 2022, I wanted to write and update you on this year's progress for the AEEBC. We are in our 30th year, and the vision that has compelled us as the AEEBC for all these years remains steadfast and very much intact. The last couple of years has been largely overshadowed by Covid, which has sadly affected our ability to meet in person.
However, the association has continued to go about its business quietly in the background. As always, the warmth and positivity of the members have been a bright light in this shared experience.
Click to read the full report
From Retrofit to Responsible Retrofit Series Regeneration
A report from the Sustainable Traditional Building Alliance (STBA) says a well-thought-out programme of regeneration would enable the Government to present a post-COVID recovery which delivers all the objectives of health, heritage, community cohesion, local employment, cleaning and re-greening the environment, transport, and flood alleviation.
Click to read the full report
Sustainability policy
The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland are aware of how our business activities impact upon the environment, and we are committed to ensuring these activities have the least possible detrimental effect on our environment. Our aim is to strive to promote sustainability and follow sustainable business practices in our day-to-day operations, encouraging and supporting our members to instil these practices in their own business.
This is the first publication of our sustainability policy and it will be reviewed and amended going forward as appropriate.
The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland are aware of how our business activities impact upon the environment, and we are committed to ensuring these activities have the least possible detrimental effect on our environment. Our aim is to strive to promote sustainability and follow sustainable business practices in our day-to-day operations, encouraging
and supporting our members to instil these practices in their own business.
This is the first publication of our sustainability policy and it will be reviewed and amended going forward as appropriate.
Download PDF
Smart Rehabilitation 3.0 Project
C6 - Short-term joint staff training in Technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration
From 20th to 24th September 2021, UNIPA, Palermo, Italy.
The partners will exchange knowledge and experiences, learning from each other, and debate about how to develop training methodologies and tools on specific topics concerning the technological innovation in heritage buildings restoration. These topics are considered necessary for future "Building Rehabilitation Experts".
The aim of the event is to agree on a common pattern to be applied to training programs for "Building Rehabilitation Experts" in the partner Countries. At the same time partners from the different countries will check their own state of the art on the comparative research, orientating and focusing it to the issues emerged during the discussions.
The participants will be selected as experts able to give elements for the debate for the development of intellectual outputs, as extensive research activity carried out between the University of Palermo - Department of Architecture experts.
Download PDF

It is with sadness that we receive the news of the passing of Juan Bosco Molina, our colleague. Bosco was a friend to many in the AEEBC. Bosco was a force of life and always led with a warm countenance and disposition.
Bosco extended a generosity of spirit and friendship to all he encountered. He will be sorely missed. We in the AEEBC can only extend our deepest sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues.
May he rest in peace.
August 2021
Dublin Civic Trust, 18 Ormond Quay is one of 24 "exemplary achievements" from 18 countries to be recognised as winners of the 2021 European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards.
This Award is a significant award in terms of European Heritage works and a milestone for Geraldine and Graham. Dublin Civic Trust has hosted the AEEBC on a number of occasions, We would like to add our congratulations to DCT on this prestigious award. Read More
Newly elected President

I write to you as newly elected President of the AEEBC. I consider this both a great honour and a challenge
as we move forward in these extraordinary times. With Covid, much has been written, experienced, and
undergone by our families, work colleagues, and friends.
This, with the final shadow cast from Brexit, will reshape our professional and day-to-day lives. When you consider and then include climate change, sustainability, their impact on the construction industry, we begin to see a roadmap for our organization.
For the AEEBC, the advent of Brexit, although unwanted, still mandates the inclusion of the UK's
professional organizations, learning outcomes, and contributions. Politics may change, but geography
remains permanent. For the UK, the platform of the AEEBC will always offer a gateway into the European building professions and industry. We in the AEEBC must constantly adapt and learn as a shared body.
This is one of AEEBC's key strengths. Read the full letter.
Trevor Mole

It is with great shock and sorrow that we receive the news of the passing of Trevor Mole, Past President, colleague and friend in the AEEBC.
As President Trevor was a European visionary who understood the importance and value of cooperation and interaction. He held an innate understanding of the differences that united the AEEBC. Trevor was a force of life and always led by example with no problem insurmountable or left unsolved. Trevor’s attitude and work ethic were immense and lore in the AEEBC. His influence still prevails.
Trevor extended a generosity of spirit and friendship to all he encountered. Trevor leaves many friends. He will be sorely missed. We in the AEEBC can only extend our deepest sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues at PT.
May he rest in peace.