Executive team
The AEEBC is a member organisation and has various membership categories with Principal Members being the Governing Body of the association. The General Assembly meets twice year and appoints working groups and commissions from time to time to undertake specific tasks and projects.


Jette is BSc of honour graduate in Architectural Technology and Construction Management with over 30 years of experience in Refurbishment, Renovation, H & S, Facilities Management and Professional and Construction Policy.
Jette is the Vice President of the Danish Association of Architectural Technologists and Construction Managers and have been a part of AEEBC since 2013.


Juan is Technical Architect and Building European Expert with a large experience in the building and construction sector, actually is the head of Technical Department in CGATE (Consejo General de la Arquitectura Técnica de España) and lecturer in ETSEM – UPM University (Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación de Madrid).


Toni Floriach (Mataró, 1967) is a Technical Architect in execution of works by the Polytechnic School of Building of Barcelona (EPSEB) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), and Building Engineer by the University of Nebrija. He also has AEEBC EurBE Certification as European Building Expert.
In 1996 he joined the Rehabilitation and Environment Service of the Barcelona Association of Building Engineers and Technical Architects of Barcelona (CAATB) carrying out numerous tasks of professional advice until he became part of the drafting team of the Maintenance Test program and the Building Book, at the time he promoted and coordinate the Sustainable Construction Agenda website (www.csostenible.net), through which he begins his career in the field of sustainability and construction. During this period he also participated in several EU projects in Rehabilitation, Maintenance and Quality in construction sector.
From 1998, he began working as Director of Works Execution, first as a solo liberal professional and since 2003, associated with other professionals, forming the company GPCAT; SCP, currently GESTIÓ y DIRECCIÓN TÉCNICA D’OBRES, SLP with the aim of carrying out the tasks of the foremen and technical architects responding to the needs of the promoters and users of buildings both in the planning and in the execution and surveying of the construction of architectural projects.
In the period 2000-2015, without abandoning his activity in professional practice, he consolidated an intense teaching activity, standing out as a professor in numerous Postgraduate Courses taught by the CATEB (Construction Manager, Real Estate Operations Feasibility Analysis, Construction Manager) in which assumes the teaching of the environment area. From 2004 to 2015 he was Academic Director of the Postgraduate Department of Works Execution Management. During this time he also spoke at conferences and seminars as an expert speaker in construction and the environment.
Between June 2007 and June 2015 he was a member of the Governing Board of the Association of Building Engineers and Technical Architects of Barcelona (CATEB) and delegate of this institution in the region of Maresme, and from 2011 to 2015 vice president of the same. During this period he also begun to be representative of The Spanish Association of Building Engineers and Technical Architects in the Association of European Experts in Building and Construction (AEEBC), a position he currently holds, and with which he has participated in several European Projects.